Squads readying for pond hockey weekend

Preparations for the BC 2012 Eastern Regional Pond Hockey Championship in Invermere are well underway.

Preparations for the BC 2012 Eastern Regional Pond Hockey Championship in Invermere are well underway.

“It’s going to be a ton of fun,” organizer John Reed said. “The response has been great and we’ve got a really big weekend planned.”

A number of teams have already signed up, as squads from St. Albert, Nelson, Calgary, Invermere and Spokane have completed their registration.

While Reed says that many of the teams won’t register until the last few weeks leading up to the event — which runs from February 3 to 5 — he is aiming for approximately 45 teams and about 300 hockey players out for the inaugural event.

“I think it’s going to be great,” Reed said. “We’ve had some phenomenal support across the board from some great local partners … we’re very optimistic, appreciative of the support and excited about the event.”

While Invermere has seen warmer than average temperatures as of late, Reed says that no rain date has been set, and that the organizers are, “positive in their thought,” regarding the weather.

As the weather can change so abruptly in the valley, with the proper temperatures the ice can be ready within just a few days.

The event is also still in need of volunteers to help with officiating, ice making and information booths, among other things, at the event.

If you are interested in volunteering, visit bcpondhockey.com and navigate to the volunteer section of the website to register.

Artists can also still sign up for the Centre Ice Art Contest, which launches the week before the tournament itself.

Entries should focus on outdoor winter activities on Lake Windermere, and the winner will have their work featured in the championship’s 2013 logo.

The full submission package is available at columbiavalleyarts.com/artistinfo.