Province to decide on Whitetail Lake rezoning

The WLLC has applied to a third government body in hopes of rezoning their parcel at Whitetail Lake.

The Whitetail Lake Land Corporation (WLLC) has applied to a third government body in hopes of rezoning their parcel at Whitetail Lake.

In last week’s Echo, it was mistakenly reported they were rejected after applying for rezoning through the Ministry of Forests in 2011, when in fact that application went through to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

Before applying to the Ministry of Forests in 2011, the WLLC applied to rezone through the Regional District of East Kootenay.

Many of the subdivision’s opponents feel the area will lose its pristine value if developed. But whether or not it’s pristine is subjective, provincial approving officer Leslie Elder said — she ultimately decides to approve or reject the rezoning application.

“Everybody who owns land has the right to apply for subdivision whether it’s ever been developed before or not,” she said. “In this case, that land was previously owned by forest industry companies that logged it, so it has previously been touched, so it depends what perspective you’re looking at (pristine) from.”

Ms. Elder couldn’t estimate how long the process may take, but said that applicants are first turned over to a preliminary stage after three to four months of study, during which time they have a list of conditions to abide by before final approval.

“Preliminary approval is good for one year with the possibility of extension,” she said. “The timeline depends how long the applicant takes to satisfy everything they have to do.”

To express support or opposition to the project, Ms. Elder said people must communicate in writing to her as the provincial approving officer.

The Ministry of Transportation’s address is 129 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, British Columbia, V1C 2N1.