Federal training grant helps local businesses

The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce held a webinar for local businesses wanting to upgrade their employees skills.

The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce recently held a webinar to help local businesses wanting to upgrade their employees’ skills do so at a considerable discount.

The webinar, held Thursday, June 16th at the Chamber, drew local business owners keen to learn more about how they can take advantage of the Canada Job Grant.

“Through the grant, if you want to do courses or training that improve your skills and make you more employable, your employer can apply for up to $10,000 worth of training,” said Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce executive director Susan Clovechok. “It’s focused for small businesses and for business owners, but does apply to larger businesses and some retailers.”

She pointed out that if, for instance, you wanted to do a course that will upgrade your skills and costs $600, the Canada Job Grant will pay $400 of that, leaving your company to pay the remaining $200. She said she was pleased with the response she’s seen in the valley so far.

“There was a lot of interest and excitement at the webinar,” she said. “It also generated a lot of good discussion, particularly around what kind of training employers should be looking to get their employees into and around how to take advantage of the grants.”

Clovechok added that businesses interested in applying for grants for training courses starting in September should do so as soon as possible. To learn more, contact Clovechok at the Chamber at 250-342-2844.