There’s been a lot of meltin’ and freezin’ going on lately! Mornings are not much fun when all the melted snow has turned into a skating rink on the streets and in the parking lots.
Even my dog has trouble staying on her feet early in the day.
What this means is that spring is just around the corner. I know, the groundhog saw his shadow and we’re going to have six more weeks of winter, blah, blah, blah. That means there are only four more weeks left and we all know how quickly that time will fly.
Spring means spring cleaning and I don’t mean just in your homes and offices (oh and likely my poor car).
I’m asking each and every one of you that is able, to take part in Valley Pride this year and help spring clean our beautiful outdoors. There is a tremendous area to cover and another thing we all know is ‘many hands make light work.’ Why not gather a team of family or friends and offer to clean up an assigned area? Challenge your friends to do an area the same size quicker than your group, or maybe the challenge can be how many bags you each can fill. Whatever it is, mark your calendars for April 23 and help out in any way you can.
If you are doing your spring cleaning you are likely finding a few things around your house that are no longer of use to you but that may be to others. We can help! Take advantage of our sell an item valued under $100 for $1; a $200 item for $2; etc. offer in our classified pages. Check out the ad on page 28 for details and give Lise a call.
The Valley Echo is sponsoring the third annual Giving Back Golf Tournament in June of 2011. We are inviting groups and associations to apply to be the recipients of the money raised during this event. Please look for more details in this issue and get your application in by Tuesday, March 1. We were very happy to give over $11,000 to Special Olympics BC Invermere Branch last year.
Don’t miss Winterfest in Radium Hot Springs this weekend. There is lots of fun to be had by all.