Looking for balance in Fletcher’s criticism

I read with interest your December 7 commentary from Tom Fletcher entitled "B.C. a playground for eco stunts."

I read with interest your December 7 commentary from Tom Fletcher entitled “B.C. a playground for eco stunts.”

First of all, I am not sure who this individual is and what organization or institution he may represent. This is crucial given the self-assured, unhesitating position he gives.

I am not technically experienced to give statistics in rebuttal to those he presents, however, his are given with unquestioned certainty. This is the crux of my complaint. He is quick to dismiss totally any environment concerns and demean any who would raise them regarding crude oil shipments across B.C.

Do his beliefs and ideology feel that threatened by any evidence to the contrary? What we need as citizens in these kinds of debates is, at least, some kind of balance in discussion which I hope The Valley Echo will attempt to address.

Barry Jonas


Editor’s note: Tom Fletcher is the legislative reporter for Black Press newspapers. His column “Victoria View” appears in the Echo on an intermittent basis.