Letters: Who’s crazy now?

how we should view putting any restrictions on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by the fossil fuel industry

Dear Editor:

Crazy. According to Prime Minister Harper, this is how we should view putting any restrictions on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by the fossil fuel industry.  With the price of oil at multi-year lows, he maintains that we can’t do it now, despite the fact that these restrictions would add less than one dollar to the price of a barrel of oil.  This is from the party that has promised for the last six years to put restrictions on these emissions.

During this time, the price of oil reached record highs and nothing was done. It is abundantly clear that Harper, because of his very close connections with the fossil fuel industry and his own warped beliefs about climate change, has no intention of ever doing anything about greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, atmospheric carbon dioxide rises to dangerous levels.

Clearly, it is not the imposition of restrictions which is crazy.  It is the man who has uttered this statement.


Norm Funnell

Radium Hot Springs