Letters: New design shines in reader’s eyes

Valley Echo reader Michael Trigg is enjoying our new style.

Dear Editor,

Living in West Vancouver, I do not see my hard copy of the Valley Echo until it arrives in the mail, generally on Monday. I wish to compliment the staff on the new layout. It is very professional and readable and makes the Valley Echo look like more of a newspaper than the old layout did.

I particularly enjoy the editorial pages with the Opinions. They provide a very refreshing read, unlike some of the pompous twaddle that is provided in the “big city” papers. Having spent some occasional time in the area, the new Valley Echo provides a great take on the many divergent people and the wonderful open air assets of the Columbia Valley region. Keep up the good work!

Michael Trigg, West Vancouver

Editor’s note: Michael is associate editor Nicole Trigg’s father — and a loyal Valley Echo reader!