Editorial: Don’t skip The Valley Beat

Columbia Valley readers — residents and visitors alike — are about to be energized by the newest publication to emerge

The cover of the 2013/2014 Valley Beat magazine gives readers a good idea of what's inside

The cover of the 2013/2014 Valley Beat magazine gives readers a good idea of what's inside

Hold on to your heart rate monitors, folks. Columbia Valley readers — residents and visitors alike — are about to be energized by the newest publication to emerge from creative kitchen that brings you The Valley Echo each and every Wednesday.

Introducing The Valley Beat, which is about to hit the stands this August long weekend.

Replacing its predecessor, The Columbia Valley Visitor’s Guide, this brand new magazine encapsulates all the valley has to offer by way of events. We started “from scratch” with a star-studded list of ingredients, including the intrepid art and design skills of Echo production manager Silena Ewen, the scintillating styles of some of the valley’s most versatile writers, and, of course, the long list of fabulous local events we based our project on.

That there is enough happening between Canal Flats and Spillimacheen to warrant an events-only magazine for the region is a feat unto itself — and one that’s long overdue.

Within the pages of the first issue, you will find a smattering of featured events, from the long-standing Radium’s annual classic car show, to the more recent Tour of the Arts, to the Rocky Mountain Rally, which is coming to the valley for the first time this November. We’ve also showcased some crafty local talent in addition to colourful seasonal calendars brimming with fun things to do for our readers’ convenience.

Please keep in mind this is our first stab at serving up this tasty tidbit, so if your event isn’t included, or you know of one that should be, let us know. We want to grow this magazine year after year to help spread the word that the Columbia Valley is the heart of the Canadian Rockies and an unforgettable place to live and visit. Don’t miss The Beat!