Thefts and car problems keep RCMP on their toes

On January 6, Columbia Valley detachment received a complaint of a dog bite to an adult victim that required stitches. The dog was able to escape from the yard in Edgewater.

  • Jan. 18, 2011 7:00 p.m.

On January 6, Columbia Valley detachment received a complaint of a dog bite to an adult victim that required stitches. The dog was able to escape from the yard in Edgewater.

The owner of the dog was spoken to and is taking steps to move the dog to larger property.

On January 6, at 1200 hrs, Columbia Valley detachment received a complaint of theft of approximately 80 oxycodone pills from a residence in Windermere.

This theft is believed to have happened on December 27.

The suspect may be selling the pills. If anyone has any information they are asked to contact the detachment.

On January 7, people skiing on the Whiteway on Lake Windermere reported an older, white GMC extended cab pickup with artwork on the side driving in a manner that was too close to the people skiing and possibly doing it on purpose.

No licence plate was observed at the time.

On January 7, at 1500 hrs, Columbia Valley detachment received a report of two young children locked in a running vehicle in Fairmont.

On attendance the police learned that the children’s grandfather had exited the vehicle and accidentally locked the car, and was doing his best to unlock the vehicle with a clothes hanger with no luck.

Cst. Hoekstra, using his talents learned from his youth, was able to get into the vehicle using the hanger without any problems.

Both the grandfather and Cst Hoekstra made a pact to not tell the parents.

On January 7, Columbia Valley detachment received a complaint of a debit card fraud. The victim advised that she lost her card December 11 and, on the same date, it was used at a local back to withdraw approximately $800.

Police are continuing their investigation.

On January 8, at 0140 hrs, a 27-year-old female failed an ASD test and her licence was suspended for 90 days as a result of observing her vehicle being driven in an erratic manner.

On January 8, at 1030 hrs, Columbia Valley detachment received a complaint of theft of equipment from a stored boat in Radium. Two wakeboards, a surfboard, six wakeboard speakers, three amps, three subs and two 6.5 speakers were stolen, along with the boat cover.

On January 8, 1900 hrs, a 47-year-old male was charged with taking vehicle without consent when he took a family member’s vehicle. The male was later arrested at the residence. A chainsaw was also seized from the house.

On January 15, at 0115 hrs, police checked a vehicle on 7th Avenue in Invermere and noted that a 49-year-old male from Invermere displayed signs of having had too much to drink.

An ASD demand was given and the male registered a fail. The 1996 Chevrolet pickup was impounded for 30 days and the male’s licence was suspended for 90 days.