RCMP Report (May 30, 2012)

Police files from the week of Monday, May 21 to Sunday, May 27.

Detachment Open House: I would like to thank all the sponsors and volunteers who helped out with the open house. We had approximately 90 people attend. Many thanks to the Windermere Lions Club for hosting the beef on the bun dinner and fingerprinting the kids. Also thanks to Tim Hortons for supplying the police food and drinks, and Canadian Tire and Home Hardware for the prizes. Our thanks to our Restorative Justice volunteers for also sponsoring this event. To all the grade three kids in the valley, thanks for the posters.

Scam Alert: A local citizen alerted us to the continuing common scam of receiving letters or faxes with requests for confidential business relationships, wanting you to be the benefactor to the sum of $77.5 million and requesting your banking information in order to give you 20 per cent.

May 26

The Columbia Valley detachment attended to a noisy party complaint on Radium Hill Road at 12:55 a.m. The male responsible for the party co-operated and the music and noise was turned down.

A 29-year-old male was arrested when he was found to be outside past his 11 p.m. curfew in relation to a previous charge. The male was held in custody, to be taken before a Justice of the Peace.

May 27

At 2:30 a.m., while conducting foot patrols at closing time outside the local bars, police observed two males fighting. Police separated the two 19-year-old rookie-aged bar drinking males and requested they depart the area. Being rookie-aged bar drinkers with a low level of intelligence, they decided to argue with the officers and refused to leave. Both males were obliged to spend the night in cells and were given a ticket in the morning for being drunk in a public place.

A complaint of a theft of a red and black Baja scooter was received by the Columbia Valley detachment. The scooter was stolen from the 1400 block of North Street in Windermere. Then, at 10:30 a.m., the Columbia Valley detachment received a complaint of a theft of a 2012 Polaris ATV with Alberta plates. The ATV was taken from the Hoodoo Campground in Fairmont Hot Springs.

Around the same time as the above theft was reported, the detachment was advised that a number of unlocked vehicles parked in the Hoodoo Campgrounds were entered and a number of articles stolen. Included among the stolen items were Oakley sunglasses and a TomTom GPS.

Summer camping season is easy prey for thieves as many campers leave their guard down and leave valuable items in the open. Campground owners/managers should be arranging for their own security patrols if they are in a position to do so.