The roof of the East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook is alight with 17 large and 24 small stars

The roof of the East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook is alight with 17 large and 24 small stars

Fundraising goal for Cranbrook hospital eclipsed

A fundraiser aiming to bring community and regional health to light has surpassed its $150,000 goal.

A fundraiser aiming to bring community and regional health to light has surpassed its $150,000 goal.

The East Kootenay Foundation for Health’s (EKFH) 8th Annual Starlite Campaign recently raised $266,670 in donations, lighting 17 large stars and 24 small stars on top of East Kootenay Regional Hospital roof ($5,000 per large star and $2,500 per small star). The EKFH is the fundraising arm for the Cranbrook hospital, which provides state-of-the-art medical care and technology to Columbia Valley residents and the rest of the East Kootenay.

“The outpouring of support across the East Kootenay and from other funding organizations in B.C. has been significant for this year’s Starlite Campaign,” said Donna Grainger, EKFH executive director. “It is incredibly gratifying to see that this annual fundraiser is garnering support from every community, which ultimately benefits hospitals and health care facilities and programs in the region.”

This year’s fundraiser — which began on November 26th, 2015 — was geared toward raising money for programs that are dedicated to helping patients who are coping with illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory needs and other health conditions.

In addition, these programs also help those who may require assistance with chronic disease management, home nursing, in-home oxygen, wound, senior, pediatric and self-care.

The EKFH,  will also purchase items such as oxygen oximeters, aerochambers, vital signs monitors, tympanic ear thermometers, palliative care and acute slider sheets, blood pressure monitors, colonoscopes and cardiology stethoscopes.

Ms. Grainger credited the Columbia Valley for its involvement. A third party fundraiser by the Kootenay Savings Credit Union Invermere and Radium branches raised more than $7,500. Other noteworthy donations were a combination of smaller donor gifts.

She will be retiring shortly with her last day of work slated for Thursday, March 31st.

“I am eternally grateful for having been given the chance to work here at EKFH — it was a lifechanger of a career,” concluded Ms. Grainger, noting the EKFH is relying 100 per cent on the support of charitable donations.

The Starlite Campaign has raised $973,984 in donations over the past eight years.