‘Flats arts group finds space

The Headwaters Art Society hopes to run its first exhibition in its new home November 26.

The Headwaters Arts Society has found a home.

Formed in May, the society has found a home in the Canal Flats municipal hallcommunity centre following village council’s approval of a five-year lease. The new arts centre will have full spectrum fluorescent lighting and coloured cement floors. Headwater members and their families have volunteered to help with the construction. An exhibition of local artists’ work has already been planned in the new centre, with a projected date of November 26. Council also approved a $150 grant to serve as seed money for the event.

“This space will serve as an art work area,” Headwaters Arts Society president Dodie Marcill said. “Whether that be painting, drawing, carving, teaching of the arts or even for music, this space will fill all of those needs.”