Constituency associations filed financial reports

The local NDP constituency association has current assets of more than $33,000, and had a total income of a bit more than $16,900 this year

Almost all registered provincial political parties and registered riding constituency associations have filed their annual financial reports, including the NDP’s Columbia-River Revelstoke constituency association.


The report shows the local NDP constituency association has current assets of more than $33,000, and had a total income of a bit more than $16,900 this year. The association’s expenses this year were almost $2,200 — with $2,000 of those expenses stemming from convention, workshop and meeting fees and rentals, and almost $180 spent on telecommunications.


The sole source of income of the Columbia River-Revelstoke NDP constituency association was transfers from the provincial NDP, 12 of them in total, in the rough amounts of $210; $530; $140; $170; $130; $160; $100; $160; $170; $7,200; $100; and $7,500.


The income and expense in the report mean the local NDP constituency association had a net surplus this year of about $14,700, which added to accumulated surpluses from previous years totals up to its current asset figure of $33,000.


The provincial Liberal, Conservative and Green parties all ran candidates in the last provincial election, but none of those parties have registered constituency associations in Columbia River-Revelstoke.


“The Liberals don’t have any constituency associations, so you’ll never find (an annual financial report from one),” Elections B.C. representative Corrie Dangerfield told The Echo. “That’s just the way they organization their party.”


The Conservatives do sometimes have a few constituency associations, but not in Columbia River-Revelstoke, she added.


In a similar fashion to the Liberal party, the Green party does not have any constituency associations.


Overall, the provincial Liberals had income of more than $10 million in 2015 and expenses of about $7.4 million; the provincial NDP had income of more than $4.4 million and expenses of $3.5 million; and the provincial Conservatives had $59,000 in income and $54,000 in expenses. The provincial Green party had not filed its annual financial report by deadline.