Since announcing his candidacy to become the leader of the British Columbia New Democratic party Mike Farnworth has been travelling around the province to hear the concerns of the residents.
“I have been really pleased by the response I have been getting from all parts of the province and from caucus members as well,” he said.
One of the members who has come out in support of Farnworth is Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald who said in a recent interview he felt Farnworth was the best person to lead the party into the future.
Farnworth recently spent some time in the East Kootenay where he was holding meetings and meeting constituents.
“The people want us to elect a leader who can win the next election. I have been impressed with the level of concern about rural issues. We have to get away from this idea that Victoria knows best,” he said.
As for some of the rural issues, the one that tops Farnworth’s concerns is the current state of the resource sector.
“Clearly this sector is at the top of my list. The fact is it has been neglected. Resource communities have been ignored and that needs to change.”
For the future of B.C. to be a bright one he stressed the importance of both social and economic success. Farnworth felt people need to see the difference between the coastal and interior industry.
“I am particularly concerned abut the exportation of raw logs. It is exporting jobs out of this province,” he added.
Farnworth said the time has come to sit down with the industry to develop policies to reinvigorate the forest industry.
Working with people is also something he sees as being vital in government.
“People want us united and to form government. They know if we are fighting with each other then nothing is going to happen. My message is I can bring people from different points of view together.”