Taking the time to ride

For Grey, who became friends with John during his illness, the memorial ride is a way of remembering the man who he never had the opportunity to ride with, but also a chance to take a break from our busy lives.



For Grey, who became friends with John during his illness, the memorial ride is a way of remembering the man who he never had the opportunity to ride with, but also a chance to take a break from our busy lives.

“His death made everyone in the valley stop and say ‘We need to stop talking about things and start doing them’,” recalled Grey.

“We’re all busy, particularly in the summer,” says co-organizer Paul Roggeman, “but we have to remember that you only get one opportunity to live each day. Sometimes we need to stop, look around at everything we have, and spend some time being with friends,” echoed Paul.

The inaugural ride last summer had a fantastic turnout, and both Grey and Paul hope to see many old and new faces out for the second annual John Dunnebacke Memorial Ride this Saturday.

The ride departs from Huckleberry’s Restaurant at 9 a.m., heading south and taking Bull River Loop Road to Cranbrook, and then back to Invermere.

The day ends with “post ride” festivities at Bud’s Bar and Lounge around 4 p.m.

For more information, contact Grey Bradatsch at 250-342-7566.